Are you concerned about your child’s life skills? Were they discharged from school-based OT once they were issued a Chromebook? Are they continuing to struggle with the fine motor skills necessary to tie their shoelaces, prepare simple meals, or fill out necessary pencil and paper forms?
While the educational system may have determined that a child no longer requires direct OT to improve fine motor skills for school participation, they may still struggle with basic life skills. Children who are considered “high functioning” within the spectrum of their diagnosis often continue to require help at home and in the community. Not only does this hinder their independence, but it also provides a source of great frustration when poorly developed fine motor skills get in the way of participation in leisure activities.
An individual with delayed fine motor skills is never too old to improve grasp patterns, strength, and endurance. Occupational therapy that focuses on developing the necessary foundation skills related to sensory processing and integration can support the development of necessary life skills that are otherwise lacking. If you would like to know how OT can help your child with life skill development, please contact us!
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